Travel to Memphis Tennessee

What Places You Should Visit in Memphis

Memphis is home to several parks and museums that are worth checking out when one spends a holiday in the area. There are also gardens and zoos. Find out what these sights are by reading through this virtual tour guide that will guide you as to what places you should visit in your vacation to Memphis.

Are you spending a holiday in Memphis? You should definitely check out some of their attractions and sights. There’s nothing more fun during a holiday than to go and visit some of the known tourist spots in an area. It helps widen your appreciation for the place, and might even expand your knowledge.

Are you spending a holiday in Memphis? You should definitely check out some of their attractions and sights. There’s nothing more fun during a holiday than to go and visit some of the known tourist spots in an area. It helps widen your appreciation for the place, and might even expand your knowledge.

The Memphis Zoo is one of those. The Zoo is home to several species of animals, including those from America and those from other parts of the world. Some of these animals include the most common like the butterflies, alligators, elephants and zebras. The Zoo even has an exhibit showing more than a thousand butterflies in different bright colors, which also has over 80 plant species that the butterflies feed on. There is also an underwater and above-ground exhibit featuring species from the deep South. Sea lions also have their own shows in the Zoo. These are just but a few of the many wonderful exhibits that the zoo has.

From animals, we now move on to plants. The Memphis Botanic Garden is where you can experience peace and tranquility. Set in a 96-acre property, here you can find many vistas, lakes, woodlands and display gardens. There are 23 gardens in all inside the Memphis Botanic Garden, including the Japanese Garden of Tranquility and the Sensory Garden, among others. In these gardens, you get a chance to look into the stories of many plants, flowers and trees. The Japanese Garden of Tranquility is also home to Canada geese, turtles and koi fishes.

For a taste of Mississippi history, you can go and visit the Mississippi River museum in the Mud Island River Park. In this part of the park, you can find exhibits that detail the history of Mississippi. This museum includes relics such as the clothing, tools, pottery and trade goods of Native Americans who lived in the area, as well the military equipment and maps of the European explorers who eventually settled into the area. There is also a separate exhibit in the museum that shows relics from the U.S. Civil War. In here, you can find military equipment, cannon and cannon implements, boat models, and even personal items of soldiers dating from that era alone.

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